Handy Andy X Sample Mark 1/16" characters

Marc Steele

Last Update 8 เดือนที่แล้ว

The sample mark shown is marked on a round Aluminum piece. The Handy Andy X was selected for this application because the previous marking process had issues with the mark wearing off and not lasting.

Marking parameters:

  1. Model: Handy Andy X Two axis system
  2. Part: 1.7" round block
  3. Material: Aluminum
  4. Surface: Machined
  5. Character Size: 1/16"
  6. Number of characters: 15
  7. Cycle Time: 7 seconds
  8. Air Pressure: 36 psi

This example demonstrates the give and take between reducing the character size to fit into a required area and obtaining a depth of mark. The soft Aluminum allows the carbide tipped pin to successfully mark to a reliable depth for a long lasting mark. However, the need to reduce the marking legend to fit into the space is challenged by the bevel of the material removed from the mark itself. 

Smaller characters can be made with the Handy Andy X, but with a very topical, or shallow mark. 

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