Dot-Peen Vs Etching

Dot-Peen and Etching are not the same thing.

Marc Steele

Last Update vor 9 Monaten

Etching - 

Etching is traditionally the process of using strong acid or mordant to cut into the unprotected parts of a metal surface to create a design in intaglio in the metal. In modern manufacturing, other chemicals may be used on other types of material. (Wikipedia)

Dot-Peen -

The name of the process Dot-Peen is derived from the word “Peen”. The peening process uses a hammer to change the metals shape. It is a cold forming process used to change the shape of rivets (Figure 1- Peen a rivet) and hold material in place, and many other uses.

The “Dot” is used to describe the mark configuration. At the time of the invention of this marking process, Dot Matrix printers were the normal printing process

The Dot-Peen direct part marking process uses a fast-moving marking pin to peen (or stamp) a series of very small, closely spaced dots to form characters, designs, or machine-readable codes. The dots may be discrete or may blend into each other to form a more continuous line. 

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