Q; Why select CMT hand holders?

Marc Steele

Last Update há 10 meses

A: A picture is worth a thousand words. The above comparison photo shows (starting at the top)

1) The Most popular CMT Quick Release Hand Holder

2) The Extreme CMT R- Buster Hand holder

3) Un-named competition

First and foremost - in using a hand holder, a hand must hold the tool. CMT provides ample area to secure the tool with the hand and not put finger or hand in way of a blunt force injury

Second, the stamp retention method of the competition is with flat dies and SET SCREWS. To release the set screw is very timely. It requires an external tool to remove the screw. Both of the CMT hand holders shown use a simple push clip. Push on one end of the clip and the other end releases the step style type - no tooling required.

Third, the simple design of the CMT holders allows for (3) simple spare parts to rebuild the tool to "like new". The spare parts include the HH-3 Compression Spring, the HH-4 Clip, and the HH-5 Pin. Alternatively, the portion of the competition's holder that is prone to extreme wear is the threaded hole for the set screw. There is no replacement or repair for this wear. 

The investment in CMT hand holders returns tenfold.

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